Registration Fees - 400,000 Ks
Monthly Fees - 415,000 Ks (On campus)
Monthly Fees - 325,000 Ks (Online)
Duration - 8 months

- Monday to Friday
- 2 groups: 8 AM to 12:30 PM or 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Focuses on strengthening English skills, science knowledge and critical thinking.
- English
- Mathematics
- Science (Biology, Physics and Chemistry)
- Digital Technology (ICT)
- Global Perspectives (critical thinking)
- Myanmar Language
- Introduction to Business and Accounting
- History
- Government Grade 8 completed
- Satisfactory school transcripts
- Min age 13 years old / Max 15 years old
- Government Grade 8 not completed
- Excellent school transcripts grade 7
- Pass the In-house academic Placement test
- Individual Interview with academic team
- Min age 13 years old / Max 15 years old
Teaching Centre (1) No.142, 146 Sule Pagoda Road, Kyauktada Township, Yangon.
Teaching Centre (2) Block 4, Unit 3, 73 Road, Mingalar Mandalay, Chan Mya Thar Si Township, Mandalay.
Students who have filled in the form will be contacted for the Entrance Test.
Contact - 09-400088071 ~ 74
Contact - 09 42426 7577